International TESOL Conference (ITC) UKI 70 Call For Papers
Many thanks to Angela and her team for creating such a congenial atmosphere for our first event in Indonesia. We would love to return one day and hope to maintain strong cooperation with the university.
English Scholars Beyond Borders (ESBB) in collaboration with Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI) are jointly organizing the International TESOL Conference (ITC) UKI 70. The conference documentation can be found here:
Please kindly find the list of links of International TESOL Conference UKI 70:
Documentation Link of ITC UKI 70, 15-17 November 2023
Zoom Recording:
International TESOL Conference (ITC) UKI 70 Recording
1. Day 1:
2. Gala Dinner:
3. Day 2:
4. Day 3: Indonesian Cultural Day:
The conference brought together TESOL professionals from around the world to explore an inclusive and insightful range of inter and multidisciplinary themes related to pedagogy, materials, research, networking, and professional development with the theme “Collaboration and Innovation in English Language and Literature Teaching”.
Our international partners, scholars, researchers, graduate and undergraduate students really enjoyed this program.
ESBB supported the use of a strong FIRST-PERSON voice at this conference. As an organisation, we aim to empower authors and researchers who clearly indicate their own agency in the research approaches they adopt or create. We do not accept papers that refer to the researcher or presenter in a pseudo-anonymous third person. Use ‘I’ to refer to yourself rather than expressions such as ‘the researcher’. Do not use an impersonal voice to refer to your own choices, decisions, or actions.
Historical call for papers
#ITCUKI70 #CallForPapers #InternationalTESOLConference #InternationalConference #EnglishScholarsBeyondBorders #ESBB #EnglishScholars #UKIUnggul #InternationalOfficeUKI #UKI70 #TheYearOfInnovation #Jakarta #Indonesia