Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice
Editorial Board
- The full names and affiliations of the members of the editorial board of the journal English Scholarship Beyond Borders can be accessed here:
- Contact information for editorial inquiries: Dr. Roger C. Nunn
The Roles and Responsibilities for Editors
- Are accountable and should take responsibility for everything they publish.
- Should make fair and unbiased decisions independent of commercial considerations.
- Should ensure a fair and appropriate peer review process.
- Should adopt editorial policies that encourage maximum transparency and complete, honest reporting.
- Should guard the integrity of the published record by issuing corrections and retractions when needed and pursuing suspected or alleged research and publication misconduct.
- Should pursue issues involving reviewer and editorial misconduct.
- Should make it clear to peer reviewers and authors what is expected of them.
- Should have appropriate policies in place for handling editorial conflicts of interest.
Instructions for Authors
- May submit papers without incurring any fees for submission or eventual publication if their work is accepted. This applies to submission fees, editorial processing charges, article processing charges (APCs), page charges, colour charges.
- Should use a transparent first- person voice in their argumentation wherever appropriate to indicate clearly their own agency in conducting and interpreting their research, in contrast to the findings and interpretations of researchers and authors that they refer to in support of their argumentation.
- Should submit papers only on work that has been conducted in an ethical and responsible manner and that complies with all relevant legislation.
- Should present their results clearly, honestly, and without fabrication, falsification or inappropriate data manipulation.
- Should provide evidence (and relevant references) to support the claims and ideas presented in their work
- Should endeavour to describe their approaches and methods clearly and unambiguously so that their conclusions can be challenged or used as support for their own arguments by others.
- Should adhere to publication requirements that submitted work is original, is not plagiarized, has not been published previously, and is not under review elsewhere.
- Should take collective responsibility for submitted and published work.
- Should ensure that the authorship accurately reflects individuals’ contributions to the work and its reporting.
- Should disclose relevant funding sources and any existing or potential conflicts of interest.
- Should include a statement of research ethics for research-based papers dealing with, or affecting, human participants. Studies dealing with minors are to be particularly scrutinized for such ethical procedures.
- Should be allowed to retract, withdraw or amend their work if the content is proven in some manner to be false or misleading.
Editorial Peer-Review Process
- The journal operates collaborative [non-blind] peer review. Click here to find out more about collaborative peer review. Submissions can be made directly to the Chief Editor, Dr. Roger C. Nunn
- Reviewers and editors will make every effort to avoid bias in their evaluation of a submission at all times.
- If a conflict of interest occurs, then reviewers and editors should hand over responsibility for that submission to other journal board members.
- Reviewers and editors should not give feedback which is discriminatory to authors in any form.
- Reviewers and editors should treat information surrounding the submission as confidential.
Publication Ethics
- All papers which are screened into the peer review system undergo a plagiarism check and cannot be sent out for review if found to include plagiarized content. We also respectfully refer submitting authors to the submission guidelines for individual journals
- During the review process, any instances of plagiarized content identified by reviewers and editors should be reported to the authors with evidence clearly given.
Open Access Statement, Policy, and Licensing Terms
- The works published here are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
- The copyright holders grant usage rights to others using the Creative Commons open license above, which allows for immediate free access to the work and which permits any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.
- ESBB does not charge any fees for readers to access.
- Author grants to publisher the non-exclusive right to electronic versions of editions (Electronic versions shall be defined as online and digital reproductions and displays of the verbatim text and illustrations of the edition. This grant of rights shall in no event be deemed to be a grant of the electronic-edition, which is reserved by the author).
- Authors have the right to reproduce their accepted articles on university repositories or other commercial or non-commercial archives provided full reference is given to the original source of the publication at ESBB.
- Regarding the electronic backup and preservation of access to the journal content in the event a journal is no longer published, archived articles shall be available from Roger Nunn.
Ownership and Management
- English Scholarship Beyond Borders is a journal of the ESBB association.
The Website
- ESBB website is maintained and regularly updated by Roger Nunn, John Adamson and Theron Muller.
Publishing Schedule
- ESBB publishes at minimum an annual edition mid-year.
Aims and Scope and the Name of the Journal
- The name of the journal – English Scholarship Beyond Borders – is seen as embracing a wide range of themes when English is used as an International Language for sharing scholarship across borders, including Applied Linguistics, Language Learning and Linguistics, Global Literature in English, International Publication.
- ISSN: 2410-9096
- Linking ISSN (ISSN-L): 2410-9096
Repository Policy