I am an Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of English Language Studies in Sohar University, Oman. I have been teaching English at various levels since 1993. I started my teaching career as a lecturer in English at National College, Kerala, India. In 2001, I moved to Oman to take up a new teaching assignment with the Ministry of Education. This was a turning point in my career as it offered me the opportunity to associate with several eminent scholars in English Language Teaching including Dr. Vijay Singh Thakur and Prof. Z N Patil, to mention a few. Though with a heavy heart, I found myself turning from teaching literature to teaching language and linguistics where methodologies and approaches were varied and often disputed. This new field of vibrancy and intellectual exuberance did allure me a lot. The passion for literature and literature teaching still lingers, but language and linguistics have indelibly imprinted themselves in my soul. I find myself drawing on both as I teach and, as my students testify, that makes my teaching more enriching and a rewarding experience to the learners.
I believe that a successful teacher is one whose students are successful not only in academics but also in life. Unless success in life comes as a natural concomitant of their academic achievements, all labors are futile. Yes, unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. To me, the Gandhian concept of three Hs (heart, head and hands) which argues for a holistic approach in education to make every man a complete man with a heart that can feel, a head that can think and hands that can work is the need of the hour. Skills are important, but so are values and independent thinking.
Clinging intransigently to my philosophy of teaching, I always ensure that the classroom has a democratic ambience where each student’s voice, views, opinions and perspectives are valued and respected. At the same time, I guide them to cultivate the quality of being tolerant of others’ views, beliefs and cultures, something that is fast vanishing in the contemporary world. Creativity and critical assessment of things that the learners are engaged with have always been encouraged and appreciated. Notwithstanding the individual differences of the learners in the class, I have a deep faith in the human potential and, hence, try to instill in each student the confidence that they are capable of achieving their goal with perseverance and hard work. I always remain dedicated to creating a positive attitude in the students by making them believe that “thoughts become things.”
I have been fortunate enough to be taught and trained by eminent souls at reputable educational institutions. My academic credentials include an MA in English literature, B Ed in English, CELTA, PGCTE (Post-Graduate Certificate in the Teaching of English) from English and Foreign Languages University, and a PhD in Applied Sociolinguistics from Bharathiar University, India under the guidance of Prof. Z N Patil.
My research interests are English language teaching, varieties of English and cross cultural pragmatics.
My publications include a book titled ‘Changing Paradigms in English Language Teaching’, a number of articles in national and international journals and anthologies. I have also presented papers and conducted workshops at several national and international ELT conferences.